My dad made this amazinzg swingset in Colorado then drove it down here and assembled it for us. It was awesome having him here. The swing is too tall for the girls to pump themselves. When I push them I have to grab the seat and let it pull me off the ground so I can give them a good push. It makes me laugh ,especially when I miss. Jacob likes to twist up the swing and let it go until they can barely hang, laughing so hard there is no noise and drool coming out the side of their mouths. There is a big pole to slide down.
hello out there in blog land. this is a short description of our family. We are five plus a dog, two horses and a fish named Morty, thats right, Morty, not Marty, Morty. Lilly is very particular about this. Jacob and I were married in Denver, Colorado, in 2002, or was is 2003, jacob would know for sure. We have three girls, Lillian (Lilly,), Joslyn (Josi) and the smallest though she will probably be the tallest when all is said and done, Jordyn (a.k.a. "the baby"). We live in Choctaw Oklahoma. Our German Shepherd's name is Brewster. The neighbor's dog also spends quit most of its time here and lilly calls it "lil' fella" although we figured out he is a she. The horses names are Woodrow and Maggie. Maggie was a stray. yes, a stray horse. It happens quite a lot here, actually. We love making cookies and reading stories and going to the park. That's it for now, i have to make lunch, or so the kids tell me. the pictures are of crystals on grass in our b...
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