The beginning...again

Blogging feels a lot like work.  But I really want to remember the little things that happen everyday, all the things I will wish I could look back on.  The everyday stuff is mostly what life is, what I take for granted, what I think is inconsequential but that i will miss.  Ashlyn is a self-proclaimed "rock star."  She hates to be called cute.  She is very active.  She loves to climb up the door frames.  Lilly is playing trumpet. She has been practicing for the honor band auditions in November.  She got second chair in band and was voted second best out of the entire band.  not too shabby. I think it inspired her to keep playing and practicing.  Her friend Hannah de Gaston (mom is my friend from High School in  Colorado, Melanie formerly Stimpson) also plays trumpet. Lilly goes to school at Choctaw Middle School.
     We started building our house in Deer Field.  The dozer work is done.  We pick out windows and doors next Wednesday.  Pretty excited.  Lilly and Joslyn will have their own rooms and Jordyn and Ashlyn will share.  I keep trying to use the key strokes for microsoft word, it doesn't work the same in blogging, very frustrating.
    I have started clicker training the horses.  I think Ada is lame, she goes to the vet in a couple days.  I am half way through nursing school.  I enjoyed the pediatric rotation, our clinical instructor was hilarious and made it so fun and the kids in my group were really fun.  They really are kids compared to me, but they are so nice to me.  We ate at a restaurant called the Iguana last night, our last clinical.  It was yummy.  It has been raining, we needed the rain, as always.
     Ashlyn has been doing gymnastics, she loves it.  she likes to find videos of kids doing gymnastics on the computer and tell me she wants to do it all.  I tell her she has to practice.  She is learning to read in school.  Her sisters love helping her with her sight words.  She is smart and very motivated.  Her favorite joke right now is "do you see me under there?" and you answer "under where" and she says "ha, ha, I made you say underwear!"  She said it to a little girl at school and the girl told on her, lol.
     Jordyn is playing on a soccer team with all boys. They tried to get another all girls team but didn't have enough.  She is doing alright but she is very sweet and timid.  The boys are giving her a hard time, but she wants to keep playing, but I told her she needs to get a little tougher and then they will
pass to her more and won't give her a hard time.
     We gave a stray dog, Tucker, a two week trial here.  he was so sweet and cute, a 50 pound red dog, but he was just too rough with the little dogs, so he is gone.  We have the cat, Sunny, and the two dogs, Roxie and Charlie.  Charlie is always happy, always.  I love watching the cat and dogs play.
     Ashlyn is very creative, she loves to paint. She learned how to put drops of paint on paper, fold the paper and make those psychiatric pictures.  They are very pretty.  She also got paint all over the floor and table.  We will have to change some things when we move to a new house.
     Joslyn is playing soccer with her same team again.  she is doing very well.  She thinks she wants to try cheerleading.  Jordyn wants to try modern/lyrical dance, but dance is ridiculously expensive.  I want to find one that doesn't do recitals that require expensive costumes.
     I think i want to be a midwife, but i don't know if i really want to go back to school, if i want my career to become my life, and if Oklahoma is a very good place to be a midwife.  It will be interesting to see what happens.  Maybe one of these days I will grow up.
     Ashlyn has a crush, Chase Elliot.  They are so cute.  Mrs. Elliot is a teacher at their school.
     Jordyn and Joslyn spent Sunday catching butterflies.  There was a monarch by the porch, all by itself.  I wonder why it was here?  Shouldn't it be migrating somewhere? 


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