
Showing posts from August, 2012
What a bunch of posers!  But I love these pictures.  Just a nice evening outside
My dad made this amazinzg swingset in Colorado then drove it down here and assembled it for us.  It was awesome having him here.  The swing is too tall for the girls to pump themselves.  When I push them I have to grab the seat and let it pull me off the ground so I can give them a good push.  It makes me laugh ,especially when I miss.  Jacob likes to twist up the swing and let it go until they can barely hang, laughing so hard there is no noise and drool coming out the side of their mouths.  There is a big pole to slide down. 
When Jordyn was three weeks old we found blood in her diaper.  She was diagnosed allergic to cow milk.  So I learned how to cook without it and I got my first goat on Valentine's Day 2010.   It was so traumatic to see blood in a diaper and there was such a change in her behavior after she felt better, that I took the precaution of not eating dairy for a few weeks before and after Ashlyn was born.  Then I had some ice cream, a lot, for a few days , wondering if I was worrying about nothing, because what are the odds that two out of four would have problems.  Well, a few days ago Ahslyn had blood in her diaper.  But, I am prepared and it is pretty easy baking and cooking without dairy.  I enjoy cooking and baking most of the time and I think we eat healthier because I have to plan ahead and not just make nachos or grilled cheese.  It has opened up the world of alternative cooking and we make garbanzo flour muffins, barley and oat f...
Between milking goats, medicating the injured horse (x-rays show little cartilage left in her ankle), and preparing four little girls and myself for church, we were verrrrrrrrry late.  But I didn't stress which I have learned is more important than being on time.  I am sure i will figure out the routine eventually.  I asked Jacob if we could just stay home and play dress-up with the baby.  She is so adorable.  My mom bought these adorable handmade shoes to her.  They stayed on for about five minutes.  We finally have had a break in the weather.  Yesterday was chilly in the morning at 80 degrees and at 92 degrees it was pleasantly warm. 
We have these adorable tree frogs out here.  Joslyn found one at the splash pad and it just hung out on her finger, climbing around a bit.  This one was on the dog's water bucket. 
Yeah, I am bogging, make that blogging. Sunday Ashlyn was blessed at church. She was fussy before but when her daddy started the blessing she was very quiet and just stared at him. She was fussy the rest of church except while she was sleeping. I slept with her in the mother's lounge. She is sweet and showing a lot more personality but she can be a bit high maintenance. We were a bit late getting to church and she was fussy so I took her out, thinking it would be ten minutes or so until they were ready to bless her, but they announced it immediately. So I booked it back to the meeting. Unbeknownst(sp) to me Jacob had gone out the opposite door to look for me. So I am standing there looking for him and everyone is looking at me and laughing. Jacob rushes back in and I hand off the baby. The blessing was beautiful as always.
i have not done this for three years, since Jordyn was a baby. Now Ashlyn is here and I want to try again. i am not very good with a computer but i think i'll get the hang of it. i got in touch with an old friend the other day and felt inspired to try better to keep in touch and blogs seem a great way to do it though i am not sure where any of us really have the time. but what is more important besides family than sharing memories with friends and family.